Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of Ensuring Your Privacy and Security


At, we value the satisfaction and comfort of our customers, which is why your privacy is of utmost importance to us. We want you to feel comfortable and informed whenever you visit our site, so we have created this Privacy Policy to explain the information we collect from you and how we use it.


1. Types of Data Collected:

When you visit our website, we collect data such as your IP address, operating system, browser, and internet service provider. We strive to keep the data we collect from you as non-personal as possible, and we do not collect any information that could be classified as too personal.


2. Cookies:

We use cookies on our site to collect your store preferences, language selection, track information you provide, and your sessions. However, our use of cookies is limited to these specific purposes.


3. Third Parties:

Third-party service providers are part of our site, and links to third-party sites are included in the coupons and deals we offer. Whenever you click on a coupon, you will be taken to the store's official site where the transaction takes place.


4. How Your Information Is Used:

We may use the information you provide us for different purposes, such as managing website traffic effectively, managing keywords and searches, providing customer service, managing your activity, enforcing our terms and conditions, and assisting you with any difficulties you may face. Third-party service providers may also be provided with some of your information to improve the quality of services provided to you. This information may be retained until the objective of our business is fulfilled.


5. Protecting Your Personal Information:

We take a variety of security measures to keep your personal information safe and protected from unauthorized access or use.


6. Disclosures:

Due to legal obligations and processes, your personal information may need to be disclosed at certain times. We reserve the right to disclose certain parts of your information to complete these legal processes.


7. Notification of Changes:

We will notify you whenever changes are made to our terms or privacy policy. We reserve the right to modify these policies and terms at any time, and you will be informed of any changes.


8. Disputes:

Any disputes you may have regarding your privacy will be subjected to terms that include provisions related to any loss or damage you may face.


9. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or require more information regarding our terms or policy, please feel free to contact us at We are always here to assist you.



Please note that if you do not agree with any of our terms or policy, kindly do not subscribe to our newsletter or create an account on our site or interact with our services. Any interaction with us means that you will immediately be subjected to our terms.